This product available in a 1kg or 4.5kg pack in STONE (GREY) or TERRACOTTA COLOUR
Similar to potter's clay.
Air hardening and nylon reinforced to give better mechanical strength / reduced brittleness.
A natural water-based product which can be brought back to life by addition of water (and some kneading) if it dries out.
Can be painted and varnished without the need for firing, or for more durable models, can be fired and glazed.
Suitable for use by professional potters, modellers, artists and for use by children and in the school environment.
Children under 3 years are likely to have great fun under supervision (but will make a big mess with it !)
Scola Airdry Clay Block dimensions (approximate length x width x thickness/depth) :-
4.5kg block : 26cm x 15cm x 6 cm
1kg block : 21cm x 10cm x 3cm
Other product tips :
ScolaClay can be used to make very large or small items and, can be glued (using P.V.A. glue) to cardboard tubes, boxes or hardboard. Many pattered objects can be made in this way, for example pictures and decorated boxes.
Water based paints work very well with ScolaClay but before you finish your model, you can use heavy duty pva glue or acrylic gloss varnish to stick paper, powders, sand, seeds, sawdust, etc.,etc., to the surface.
If you want your colours to glow, coat your model in white, acrylic primer undercoat, then paint it. Good quality water based paints are ideal, e.g. system 3 artists paints or Artmix Liquid Tempera. You can also use oil based paints (messy to clean brushes).
Having painted your model, you can then varnish it to bring up the colours and to give it that extra coat of protection. Acrylic water based varnishes work very well and are easy clean (brushes). When dry, acrylic varnish does not wash off and is water resistant.
If you have a kiln and want to fire your work, ScolaClay fires very well. Your kiln should be set in the range of 1000°C to 1250°C. You can glaze as you would any other clay you might use.